Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicacoes / Law, State and Telecommunications Review


Journals Detail

Journal: Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicacoes / Law, State and Telecommunications Review

Online ISSN: 1984-8161

Print ISSN: 1984-9729

Publisher Name: University of Brasilia Telecommunications Law Research Group

Starting Year: 2009

Website URL:

Country: Brazil


Research Discipline Law

Frequency: Two annual issues released on May and October

Research Language: English, Spanish and Portuguese

About Journal:

The Law, State and Telecommunications Review publishes two annual issues released on May and October since 2018 and one annual issue released on May uninterruptedly since May 2009. The journal mission is to publish legal and interdisciplinary analyses on telecommunications and communications focused on policy and regulation of communications services, telecommunications services, Internet-based services and rights, such as the right to communicate, to publish, to private exchange, to design communication platforms, and other related topics, such as privacy, intellectual property, universal access, convergence, satellite and spectrum regulation, telecommunication licensing and regulatory design, independent agencies, deregulation, e-commerce, big data, net neutrality, and so forth, with emphasis on national and foreign experiences through the lenses of legal and regulatory theories. It accepts submissions in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. It does not charge for processing, submission, or publishing the articles. Authors are allowed to hold the copyright of their paper without restrictions. We welcome paper submissions all year round. They will undergo rigorous peer review process by anonymous refereeing of independent expert referees. The Law, State and Telecommunications Review is a journal maintained by the University of Brasilia and edited by the Telecommunications Law Research Group of the School of Law Center on Law and Regulation. The journal adopts structured abstracts with clear indication of purpose, methodology/approach/design, findings, practical implications, and originality/value of the papers.

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