Journals Detail
Journal: AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering
Online ISSN: 2520-4890
Print ISSN: Not Provided
Publisher Name: American International University
Starting Year: 2014
Website URL:
Country: Bangladesh
Research Discipline Science and Engineering
Frequency: Quarterly
Research Language: English
About Journal:
AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering [AJSE] is a scholarly international journal published from AIUB Office of Research and Publication (ORP). AJSE is a joint publication of the AIUB Faculty of Science and Information Technology and the AIUB Faculty of Engineering. This journal publishes original, empirical and innovative works in basic, functional and support areas of science, technology and engineering disciplines. It is primarily devoted to the extension and further development and dissemination of knowledge in the field of science and engineering for the benefit of academics as well as practicing enterprises based on research and development [R&D].
AJSE has a long history of publishing journal in print since August 2002. It has published 15 volumes in printed version. In the year 2017, ORP has decided to publish three ONLINE issues in a year and the combining three issues, each volume will be published in printed form. The online papers will be published as an Open Access initiative and will be indexed in multiple international academic databases.