Journals Detail
Journal: Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Online ISSN: 2820-5480
Print ISSN: Not Provided
Publisher Name: Alma Maeter Europaea University - ECM
Starting Year: 2022
Website URL:
Country: Slovenia
Research Discipline health sciences, rehabilitation sciences, disability, medicine, psychology
Frequency: 2
Research Language: English
About Journal:
Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (JHRS) (eISSN 2820-5480) is a multidisciplinary peer reviewed, international, electronic journal edited by the Alma Mater Europaea University – ECM from Slovenia. The following articles will be considered for publication: original and review articles, short report, letters to the editor, clinical experiences, survey of cases, doctoral dissertations, master of arts, editorials, rapid communications and other contributions from all the fields of health sciences, rehabilitation sciences, disability studies, special education, psychology, social policy, and other related sciences. The aim of the journal is to share and disseminate knowledge between all disciplines that work in the field of developmental diversities. All articles will be critically reviewed by at least two unknown reviewers within 2 months, but longer delays are sometimes unavoidable. All manuscripts must comply with Authors Instructions. There are around 20 articles published per year. JHRS allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences is devoted to the scientific study of disability. The subject matter is broad and includes, but is not restricted to, findings from psychological, biological, educational, genetic, medical, psychiatric, and sociological studies, ethical, philosophical, and legal contributions that increase knowledge on the prevention and treatment of disability, and/or inform public policy and practice.